Quaker A-Z: 2023 Introduction
Clerking We are inviting you to follow our new Quaker A-Z blog series – for 2023 the MBS focus for the series is clerking. Every other
Advice and tips on how to manage and run your charity
Clerking We are inviting you to follow our new Quaker A-Z blog series – for 2023 the MBS focus for the series is clerking. Every other
I think I have wasted a great deal of my life waiting to be called to some great mission which would change the world. I
Charity Administration – Creating signs As a charity, there are many occasions where you might need to create a sign. In semiotics, a sign is
Definition: To purify is to remove contaminants, extract something or make it ceremonially clean. Organisation culture… I want to explore this concept from an organisational
Participation in Meetings Qf&p 3.10 “Remember the onerous task laid upon the clerk and do all you can to assist. Submit information about matters to
Photo by Alexander Shatov In today’s technologically advanced society, when I think about the term ‘messenger’ I think of a chosen app on our smartphones
The word derives from the old English term ‘wilcuma’. This literally translates to a welcome guest. One who’s coming suits another’s will or wish. This
Photo: Hannah Grace – A good approach to life as well as writing! What do we mean by winnowing? Well, put simply, to winnow is
Pxfuel “Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take
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