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1st Five and Next Steps: Volunteer Policy

Volunteer Management DK - L3P1

Have you read 1st Five: Volunteer Policy ?
Have you taken Next Steps: Volunteer Policy?

It is important to think about the role of Volunteers and Volunteering activity in your organisation. In these modules we consider the role of a volunteer policy, how to write one and how we ensure that a consistent approach is taken within your organisation.  

Journal: Write a list of who in your organisation would you consider a volunteer champion. How would you expand this list? 

You need key people within the organisation to support the idea of working with volunteers, including at least one at a very senior level.  

Journal: How can you ensure that your organisation’s approach to volunteers is consistent? Are there documents or individuals that could help? 

The essential role of a policy is to codify the organisational approach and ensure consistency. It can contain the organisational ethos as well as templates and examples.  

Journal: Does your organisation have any existing policies that would apply to volunteers? Write a list of what these are.  

Some staff policies may apply to volunteers, such as expenses, equal opportunities, or data protection, but these might need amending to reflect non-contractual and inclusive language.  

You may find Contractual Language and Inclusive Language useful.  

Some policies will definitely not apply to volunteers as they specifically refer to paid employee terms and conditions.  

Volunteer Management DK - L3P2

Do you need more help with writing a Volunteer Policy for an organisation?
Would you like help or information about writing a Volunteer Handbook for an organisation?