Welcome to this Next Steps module. This module is designed to give you space to consider practical ways to implement what you’ve thought about during the previous modules, or in some other way, there are techniques and tools related to the module topic. You can take notes in your notebook here online – or in a paper version, whichever you feel more comfortable with. Please note that the online version is available not only in this module but in any module you do within the MBS:Classroom.
You do not need to answer every question asked in the module, or implement every action or procedure, or adopt every policy. Instead, you can then relate these questions to your own unique context. These are designed to stimulate your thinking and give you some ideas to work with – use those that are useful to you, you can always come back to the others later.
Be aware that you may need to go and ask questions, find out information and get others involved to enable you to answer the questions, that’s part of the process. There isn’t a time limit on the module materials.