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If you want to cancel within fourteen days of purchase please contact the education team and they’ll process the cancellation and refund. We offer a free refund within fourteen days, and up to 30% of the course completed.

Classroom Introduction

MBS has always had training and mentoring as a core value, using “From Highly Stressed to Highly Skilled” as a tagline. Until now our bespoke training has focused on 1-to-1 training, which could only happen when Wendrie was available.

We’ve designed MBS:C to fit into your life. Each self-paced course has no time limit and all the content is available 24/7. We’re committed to keeping MBS:C material available for as long as this website is running.

Over the last decade (and a bit) we’ve learned that every meeting, congregation, and charity does things their own way. So we wanted to ensure you got what you needed without having to pay for what you don’t.

Our courses are all available individually. We’ve suggested learning pathways, but feel free to explore and create your own choose-your-own learning adventure. (Do you remember those books?)

  • Be aware that you will need to ask questions, and finding answers will require you to seek out information and even get others involved. That’s part of the process. Remember, there isn’t a time limit on the module materials.
  • The courses and supplied materials are designed to stimulate your thinking and give you ideas to work with, not provide rigid rules you must adhere to. Use only what works for you.
  • Similarly, don’t feel that you need to study every module related to your role/interest, or that you must work through and apply every part of a module. While we strive to make our content applicable to as many people as possible, only you can judge whether a particular piece of advice is relevant to your situation. Remember that all purchased modules are yours for as long as we maintain this website, so you can always come back and review content at the point where it becomes useful to you.
  • The tiers reflect both the complexity of the content and the overall aim of the course material. If a specific course builds on previous material, we’ll tell you in the introduction.
Wendrie Heywood at desk
Wendrie Heywood - Founder

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Course tiers explained...


Each of these is an individual course covering a single topic. The First 5 refers to the content of the course.


  • five key points…
  • five minutes of instruction…

…that give a summary understanding of that topic.

Thinking About

Thinking About Icon
These courses will give you diagnostic questions, tools, and space to explore and identify options in relation to the topic (such as Financial Systems or Charity Administration).
  • Where you are as an individual or an organisation.
  • What resources, systems and processes already exist, or could be created.
  • What solutions might suit your organisation’s context and needs best.
  • How to help your organisation discern where to go from here, what resources might be necessary, and what authority will need to be given (and to whom).

Next Steps

Next Steps Icon

These courses assume you have already made decisions on this topic, and you now want practical guidance and tips on how to create and implement your plan.

While you may have some decisions still to be made, the direction of travel has been agreed (e.g. your organisation has decided to switch to a cloud-based accountancy system, but hasn’t picked one).

These courses provide you with the tools and instructions you need, including:

  • in depth case studies,
  • examples and tool suggestions,
  • samples of policy documents and procedures,
  • templates for handbooks and technical documents.

Deepening Knowledge

Deepening Knowledge Icon

These courses help you ensure that your organisation is comprehensively compliant and competent across the topic.

Your values and charitable principles should be embedded into your culture at all levels.

These courses provide you with:

  • Diagnostic checklists,
  • journaling questions to illuminate underlying biases and values,
  • sample documents and tools for ensuring best practice,
  • and one hour total* 1-to-1 consultancy for tailored guidance (can be split into two 30-minute sessions for your convenience).

* Additional consultancy time at a preferential rate exclusive to these courses is available.