Money Back Guarantee

If you want to cancel within fourteen days of purchase please contact the education team and they’ll process the cancellation and refund. We offer a free refund within fourteen days, and up to 30% of the course completed.

Today I'm interested in learning about...
managing buildings


Whatever you’re called: warden, building manager, Finance & Property committee member, employee, or volunteer… being involved with managing property can be daunting,  we hope that these courses and resources can make your job easier.


Develop the skills you need to manage buildings


This is the Property icon – a building reaching out into the community around it.

Property & Buildings Management courses include:

  • Financial systems
  • Maintenance & review schedules
  • managing volunteers, employees and contractors
  • Creating a Building Operations Manual
  • Marketing and contracts
  • Technical advice
  • and more!


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Article to read and brief video introducing MBS Trustee support

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