AdventWord 2023: Dream

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Daunting words from a lady who accomplished incredible things with her lifetime? Perhaps.

But dreams aren’t born fully formed, ready to take on the world. There flickers a tiny spark within you to accomplish your heart’s desire. Dreams can be self-focused – who didn’t want to be a vet when they were little? Dreams can be hopes of a better situation for others – safety, warmth, and freedom.

Children gazing at stars

Don't be afraid to start small...

Don’t think your dreams are silly or unachievable. That’s not how dreaming works.

Find that spark, hold onto it and it will grow. Your desire and hard work to see your dream come to fruition will feed the flames until that reality burns brighter than you ever could have imagined.

You might not solve world hunger, but you may learn to play the violin, fix your car, or spend special times with your family.

There is power in your dreams, and they can help you find the strength to change or accomplish things you never thought possible.

Life is tough and sometimes it’s our dreams of what is to come that will keep us going until we make them real.

You can do it. Reach for the stars!

Picture of Marie Harris

Marie Harris

MBS Finance & Admin Team

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