Building Management
Each building and property is different. You will have unique challenges, situations and requirements to deal with – but you aren’t alone!
At MBS we have several decades of experience in working with different venues, committees, and groups to find ways to manage their buildings while increasing income, monitoring costs, and handling the tricky balancing act of meeting the needs of all those who use the spaces.
Below is a range of scenarios which gives possible ways we might work with you to meet your needs. Each builds on the previous set of tasks. We’ve only given rough time estimates for these examples as the amount of time taken per week would depend on the number of clients and type of bookings. You might well have an idea in mind or know who to ask. We know things change so we’re happy to make changes to our agreements with 30 days notice, adding or handing back tasks as required.
These examples below presume the client has a generic web based email account and cloud based storage systems. If these are not in place we can set them up and control it, ready to hand on in due course.
- Charity does most, MBS supports: We handle the emails and phone calls (checking two – three times a week), forwarding messages to a previously agreed list of people. We maintain the diary and relationships with the users. While there might be some contract negotiation with new and existing hirers, we wouldn’t be actively marketing the building. The treasurer would handle payments, receipts etc. (1 – 2 hours per week, our minimum is 5 hours per month).
- Charity & MBS share work equally: Here, with the agreement of Premises and the help of a liaison, we actively market the building as a venue. Along with a local liaison person, we will help arrange building tours for prospective hirers. We negotiate, draw up, and complete contracts. Emails and phone calls would be checked daily Monday – Friday. Payments would be sent to the Treasurer by cheque or bank transfer and be entered onto a spreadsheet via Dropbox. (2.5 – 3.5 hours per week)
- MBS does most, charity supports: We maintain the BYM standard cashbook or other finance package as agreed with the Treasurer. The Treasurer checks the bank deposits have been received and either forwards copies of the statement for reconciliation, reconciles the shared spreadsheet, or we would be given viewing rights to the bank account. We handle all negotiations for client contracts, and can help produce a script of building facilities including features to mention during the tours. We could help update, create, and maintain marketing materials, including website, leaflets, etc. (3 + hours per week)