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First 5

Thinking About

Next Steps

MBSC course icon

Deepening Knowledge


Cloud Storage

First5: Cloud Storage

Unlock the potential of the cloud with our First 5 Introduction to Cloud Storage. Designed for beginners this course offers an exploration of cloud storage fundamentals. What is the cloud and cloud storage? Learn the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a cloud solution.


Photo by Sara on Unsplash

FREE Resource Library

Welcome to the FREE resource library. Here you can download useful tools, resources and templates to support you in your charity role. Add the library to your shopping basket, it is completely FREE so when you check out you will only be prompted to set up your personal MBS:C dashboard, no payment is required. Once you have completed the set-up the resource library is saved to your account so that you can access it as many times as you would like.



Volunteer Recruitment

How do I go about recruiting volunteers for my organisation? What do I need to think about when recruiting? This Next Steps Volunteer recruitment course provides practical insights into recruiting your superstar volunteers.


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Volunteer Managment

Following on from the First Five: Volunteer Management, we look deeper into the principles of volunteering best practices. Delve deeper into practical principles of managing your volunteers.



Volunteer Policy

This course aims to guide you while writing your Volunteer Policy. It is an important factor when thinking of onboarding volunteers to ensure that you have the correct policy in place. This Next Steps course will introduce you to where to start.


Mindful Business Services

Volunteer Management

This in-depth Deepening Knowledge course is tailored to your specific learning objectives and includes an hour 1:1 with the course tutor. Managing volunteers can be complex. This MBS series covers everything you need to know about volunteer management.


calendar entry

Creating Calendar Reminders and Scheduling

This First5 course explores how to utilise a calendar as a planning and scheduling tool. It provides an overview of how to create your entry, what to add and how to share information with the wider group.


Charity Office Image

Create a Charity Office Course Bundle

For a limited time, we are offering Create a Charity Office course bundle containing:

  • How to Create a Remote Charity Office (Thinking About)
  • Corporate Memory (Thinking About)
  • Consultancy hours (with course creator)
  • Generic Email Addresses (First5)
  • DIY Onboarding (First5)
  • Calendar Reminders and Scheduling (First5)


Creating Corporate Memory course icon

Thinking About: Creating Corporate Memory

This Thinking About course explores how to create ‘Corporate Memory’ for your organisation. We explore how your organisation can prevent memory loss and how to effectively implement processes and policies to deal with changing groups of volunteers and role-holders.


Volunteer motivation next steps course icon

Volunteer Motivation

Want to learn more about motivating your valued volunteers? This Next Steps course is the one for you. The course modules delve a little deeper into practical things to consider to get the best from your volunteers.


Who is A Quaker Treasurer? course icon pile of coins

First5: Quaker Treasurers and Money Management

This First5 course explores the roles and responsibilities of a Treasurer. A Quaker Area Meeting is a charity body; therefore the treasurer oversees the Area Meeting accounts. This course outlines roles and their relationship with the Treasurer.


Volunteer recruitment course icon

First5: Volunteer Recruitment

This First5 course takes you through an overview of how to recruit volunteers and know that they are right for your role. This overview provides five key points to consider in your recruitment.


Volunteer motivation course image

First5: Volunteer Motivation

Why do volunteers work for free, how can we motivate them to recruit others? This First5 course gives you five things to think about when motivating your volunteers.


Volunteer Policy course image

First5: Volunteer Policy

This First5 Volunteer Policy course gives you five points to think about when setting up a volunteer policy. What it does, why you need one and who it is for.


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First5: Volunteer Management

Working with volunteers is a cost-effective way to engage with the community to deliver and manage community projects and resources. This First5 course gets you thinking about what is a volunteer, and to manage and recruit them.


Invoicing creation & basic credit control using Excel course image

Next Steps: Invoicing Creation & Basic Credit Control

This Next Steps course provides guidance, practical insights and resources to strengthen your subject knowledge in invoicing and credit control. This deeper dive training will allow you to develop plans and implement financial systems for your organisation.


Invoice management system PC screen

Thinking About: Invoicing Management System

Would you like to learn more about invoicing and creating an invoicing management system? This Thinking About Course provides an introduction to creating an invoice-based room-hire management system.


Photo of a meeting house

Thinking About: Marketing your Meeting House

All communities, businesses, and organisations need some form of publicity or marketing to attract new members, grow, and thrive. This Thinking About Course explores the marketing fundamentals to support you in publicising your meeting house.


Creating a remote charity office course icon

Thinking About: Creating a Remote Charity Office

This Thinking About course gives you the questions and references you need to ensure your organisation handles remote working efficiently and effectively. This can be because you have no physical building or if some of your people need to work remotely outside this space. The lessons provide guidance on preparation, processes and procedure through to strategic planning.


Generic Email Accounts Icon

First5: Generic Email Accounts

This First5 course provides an overview of creating generic email addresses and what having shared accounts means for your organisation.


MBSC0024 DIY Onboarding

First5: DIY Onboarding

The process of bringing someone new into your group or organisation is called onboarding. This First5 course is an introductory module providing insights and steps to think about when creating your organisation’s onboarding process.


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First5: Improving Relationships

This First5 course is an introduction to improving relationships & holding better meetings. It is primarily for those who work alongside others, in teams or manage other people. There are five questions to get you thinking. 


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First5: Invoicing System

This First5 course provides an overview of what an invoicing system is and how to use it, using room hire businesses as a working example. Complete with downloadable resources, this course is designed to help you think through your own invoicing system.


MBSC0027 closing down the fiscal year

First5: Closing Down the Fiscal Year

Do you hold a financial role in your organisation? Are you interested in learning more about closing down the fiscal year, this First5 short course will outline what needs to be done and why.


Quaker clerking image

First5: Quaker Clerking

This First5 course explains the Quaker Business Method and why it is useful to use its principles when clerking.


Managing Relationships Course Icon

Thinking About: Managing Relationships

Communication is a key aspect of improving interpersonal relationships. It is also an element that is taken for granted. There is an assumption that if you share a common language with another person then communication should be easy. That is rarely the case. This Thinking About course explores in greater detail how to effectively improve and manage relationships.


Coming Soon