AdventWord 2023: Wind
As I write this my conservatory office is being buffeted by gusts of wind, the trees outside swaying and branches scraping, as well as losing leaves which I can hear spattering against the roof along with rain.
It’s dark, so I can’t see much outside, but I can hear it. I know tomorrow I’ll be able to see the results of this stormy weather.
Sitting here, I’m very grateful for the sturdy walls and roof protecting me, and the gaps in rain showers earlier today which enable me to get my daily walk.
This is such a familiar feeling. Unable to see what is happening, knowing you have little or no control, but hoping that the preparations you’ve made will hold and things will calm down or pause soon.

One of my favourite spiritual authors is Anne LaMott who says that ‘Help, Thanks, Wow: {are} The Three Essential Prayers‘ in her book of the same name. All three words are often said as a single sigh or breath of wind, and are enough – I’m always comforted by the assurance in the bible that the Holy Spirit will move to speak for me when I don’t have words, when I’m in the midst of that storm and unable to see a way forward – or often times back!
This Advent Season, we hope you’ll join us in pausing each day to consider a word and post our musings here on the blog.
A chance to catch our breath, to be grateful for the momentary respite and a chance to catch a second wind.
But grace can be the experience of a second wind, when even though what you want is clarity and resolution, what you get is stamina and poignancy and the strength to hang on.
Anne LaMott Tweet
What every you are going through – may these posts bring you a few moments grace and peace.
We invite you to grab a cuppa, read and ponder, and join us in our journey through this year’s AdventWords.

Wendrie Heywood
MBS Founder