Quaker A-Z F: Fair Trade Churches & First Aid

2012 02 23 1st aid drawer

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F is for Fair Trade & First Aid

Fair Trade Churches

Fair Trade Fortnight was 24 February – 9 March 2014 this year – did you do anything?

A Meeting House can become a Fair Trade Church – a small but significant step towards a fairer more equitable society.

How? Thankfully that is fairly easy, you may discover you already qualify at least in part.

Your Meeting must agree to the following:

  • Use Fairtrade tea and coffee after Meeting for Worship and in all meetings for which you have responsibility
  • Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit
  • Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities whenever possible

The Meeting will get a certificate which you can display in the kitchen. Some meeting houses also have fair trade products available to sell. Others just ensure that the supplies they use are Fair Trade.

The Fairtrade Foundation Churches scheme is supported by Quaker Peace & Social Witness centrally, but each Meeting can join in with the Fair Trade Church campaign.

F is also for First Aid

It isn’t until something happens that it occurs to us to ask… “Is there anyone in the Meeting who has an up to date first aid certificate?” The old question of a doctor needs too much clarification on occasion!

First aid again is another of those not so interesting but necessary items overseen by Premises and building management committees.

One of the useful tips I picked up on a first aid course was to sign and date the accident book when checking the box’s contents. Just to show that you were there – and to prevent anyone from entering an accident that you weren’t aware of.

Did you know there isn’t any legislation saying what you should have in a first aid box – although the HSE do supply guidance free to download. Note: you shouldn’t have tablets or medications in there or be giving them out.

  • Is there a first aid box in the meeting house?
  • When was the last time the contents were checked?
  • If you hire space to other organizations do they use your first aid kit?
  • Do you have any guidance for them or the Meeting on where it is and what to do if there is an accident?

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