Quaker A-Z: C is for Clearness & Committee
Communication can sometimes get muddled, this week Wendrie introduces us to Clearness Committees.
Articles and thoughts inspired by the current Quaker book of discipline: Quaker Faith & Practice.
Communication can sometimes get muddled, this week Wendrie introduces us to Clearness Committees.
Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash Books… B is for Books. For goodness sake, write it down! In this blog, we are taking inspiration from
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash Living out our Testimonies As a Religious Society of Friends we see the … environmental crisis is at root
“My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him.
I think I have wasted a great deal of my life waiting to be called to some great mission which would change the world. I
“Prayer is not just a matter of the feelings, but of the will. When we least feel like praying and when prayer seems pointless because
Participation in Meetings Qf&p 3.10 “Remember the onerous task laid upon the clerk and do all you can to assist. Submit information about matters to
Image: Bret Jordan I do not know the course I am to run, all is hid in mystery, but I try to do right in
Alistair Macrobert “A sudden concentration of attention on a rainy August morning. Clusters of bright red berries, some wrinkled, some blemished, others perfect, hanging among
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