What is the Purpose of Business?

QandB_Logo_Orange WHITE backgroundQBC’15 – What is the Purpose of Business?

Wednesday, 4th November 2015 – Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London. NW1 2BJ. Programme: (10:30am – 4:30pm)

The 11th Q&B Annual Conference is asking the question ‘What is the purpose of business?’ This question will be addressed by some of the UK’s cutting edge speakers, with opportunities for group exploration in workshops.

The aim of the day is reach out to the communities of business, NGO, business schools and students as well as to Friends so that we can explore how business and organisations can better fit people and planet. Too many of us live lives so fast and hectic trying to meet work deadlines, balance our own finances whilst trying to be the best parents, friend or citizen we can be, and wonder if society has be like this.

The day starts at 9:30am with Meeting for Worship, followed by Coffee and Registration at 10:00am, with a 10:30am Start.

To encourage us to think in different ways, we are very pleased to announce some of our speakers:

  • Professor Colin Mayer – Said Business School Oxford University. Colin is a government advisor on new business models and the author of “Firm Commitment: Why the Corporation is Failing Us and How to Restore Trust in It”
  • Graham Randles who is Managing Director of NEF consulting (New Economics Foundation). NEF calls itself an an independent think-and-do tank whose aim is to improve the quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environmental and social issues.
  • Giles Hutchins is a freethinker and writer. He is the author of ‘The Nature of Business’, which fuses his business background with a range of theories and practices, that include bio-mimicry, cradle-to-cradle & industrial ecology, and applies them to the challenges businesses face today.

We are grateful to Triodos Bank for sponsoring this event.

Register and Pay

The price is £40 for Q&B members, £50 for students and £60 for non Q&B members, including lunch and refreshments. Bursaries are available. Register and pay for your attendance through Paypal at Quakers & Business or at Eventbrite.



Mindful Business Services is a member of the Quakers & Business Group.

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