AdventWord 2024: Gentleness

Embracing Gentleness: A Reflection on the Nativity

Mary and Joseph in a stable with their new baby is an image that we often see at this time of year.  

The story of how Jesus Christ was born in a stable after they had travelled to Bethlehem, is told in schools and churches across the world.  But let us pause and consider the image we see here and what else it conveys.

The scene of new parents gazing down upon new life in such humble surroundings brings with it a sense of gentleness.  We can imagine it to be calm, still, soundless except maybe for the low of nearby cattle or the murmurings of the new baby.

Contrasting the Nativity with Today's Christmas Rush

This feels very different from today’s Christmas season.  It is often, for many, far from calm and still.  Everywhere is playing Christmas songs at maximum volume, people are flying around running errands, making purchases and socialising. 

Far from the serene nativity scene where the miracle of new life captivates attention, we live in a world that often doesn’t make time to stop — time to reflect, and time to rejoice. The hustle and bustle of modern Christmas celebrations can overshadow the heart of the season: love, gentleness, and wonder.

A call to Gentleness

This Christmas, see if you can bring some gentleness into your life. Take moments to pause, to marvel at the people you love, and to absorb the beauty of the moment — whatever that looks like for you. Instead of rushing to the next task or event, allow yourself the space to reflect and rejoice.

Most of all……be gentle to yourself.

Picture of Elizabeth Brierton

Elizabeth Brierton

MBS Admin Team

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