AdventWord 2024: Trust

Trust is a Tricky Word

Can you have trust without truth is a question I remember asking teenagers which caused a long debate.

They decided no – because if you have trust in something that isn’t true then it’s not really trust, but something else. This was long before ‘fake news’ and social media’s continual revamping of ‘truth’.

What do you think?

Foto de Brett Jordan en Unsplash

As people of faith we seek a world transformed, where compassion, equality, truth and integrity are guiding principles. In the meantime, our belief in equality and the intrinsic worth of each individual means that we value democracy as a form of government. Just as we wish our children and grandchildren to inherit the beautiful planet we have experienced, so we want them to enjoy the benefits of a mature democracy where truth prospers and the rule of law applies. Governing with truth and integrity is essential for generating trust; when that trust breaks down people become disillusioned, and leaders lose their mandate to govern.

A History of Trustworthiness

Quakers became bankers and successful in trade because they were trusted to still have the money – and give it back! – when someone returned from a trip. Quaker shopkeepers also would charge the same amount for an item without haggling – which led to the idea of price tags! That was originally for moral and efficiency reasons but turned out to be good for business.

A Continuing Commitment

Quakers still have a Testimony of Truth and Integrity and this is for both private and public affairs – although I no longer have to show MBS’s annual accounts to a group of Quakers for their comment to show I’m being trustworthy and honest.

Quakers have extended this concern to local government and parliament.  Meeting with MPs, and working with other groups to stress peace making, trustworthiness and integrity in a culture that seems to prefer soundbites and click bait headlines.

This change of government is an opportunity to rebuild trust in our democracy

How Do You Conduct Yourself in All Affairs?

As Advice & Queries 37 prompts:

Are you honest and truthful in all you say and do? Do you maintain strict integrity in business transactions and in your dealings with individuals and organisations? Do you use money and information entrusted to you with discretion and responsibility? Taking oaths implies a double standard of truth; in choosing to affirm instead, be aware of the claim to integrity that you are making.

This is something I value – I want to ensure that MBS is trustworthy and trusted by all those we work with and serve.

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