What does love require of us?
You may feel that being an employer or managing volunteers is tricky and complicated. Especially if you’ve not had to do this elsewhere. Thankfully you’re not alone!
Quaker Life offers guidance, templates and other documents on the Britain Yearly Meeting website. Focused on the recruitment and management of both employees and volunteers.
When in doubt 'Remember that each one of us is unique, precious, a child of God.'
Qf&P 1.02.22 (part)
Especially if your employee or volunteer is a member of your worshipping community! You may want to bring in someone to help untangle emotions, tasks, points of view and ensure that actions are supported by best practices. The Quaker business method and testimonies is a good place to start.
Legal employment resources
MBS isn’t able to offer legal advice, but we do signpost to other resources. Of course, you can do an internet search for ‘charity employment law’ and have a plethora of other options!
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has free work and employment law advice, and can help with mediation as well as a helpline. Explore their offerings here.
MBS:C employment resources
Over in the classroom you can choose from a variety of courses designed to help you create policies, recruit, manage and motivate volunteers and employees.
You can go direct to the shop and then in the category side bar click on ‘Employee’, ‘HR’ and ‘Volunteer’ to browse through and see what fits with your needs.
You can also book a consultation with us to explore other options.
Our next quarterly MBS:C Training Webinar focuses on using some of our free resources and templates to create and maintain handbooks or manuals to support you in your work. Contact us to register your interest.
Wendrie Heywood
MBS Founder
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