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On the Wardenship e-List one of the perennial questions a newly appointed Trustee or member of Premises asks is:
“What does your warden do?”
As with so many things this question has as many different answers as the number of Quakers or Meetings answering!
Some the roles a warden is now fulfilling may have never been on the original job or role description – they may not be written down. Instead the job has grown organically to complement the time and skill set of the existing warden(s).
Often, it is difficult to untangle what was on the original job description and what has been added on — officially or unofficially — since the description was created or since the warden was hired. Such tangling wasn’t intentional, but can lead to amazement at what is no longer being done when the Warden or Resident Friend leaves.
Thankfully, the untangling can start with a simple decision to do so.
- If there isn’t a clear job description than one should be drawn up.
- If there is a Warden or Resident Friend ask them to keep a record of their tasks for a week or so.
I use HoursTracker, an app on my mobile phone, to ensure I accurately charge (and I include clients and MBS as categories here). As I swap tasks I log in and out plus add a brief description of the tasks.
Let’s get back to answering the original question, “What does a warden do?” My records in HoursTracker enabled me to create a mindmap which includes the following sub headings:
- Maintenance which included Caretaking and Gardening
- Hospitality services both for hirers and for the Meeting
- Marketing and PR
- Lettings Administration
- Finance and Bookkeeping
- Business Management and Administration
- Website Maintenance
- Outreach
- General Quaker Stuff
Other Wardens/Staff responding to the question, mentioned other jobs they were expected to do, too:
- Living in and maintaining the B&B
- Looking after rental property including a hostel next door
- Coordinating teams of volunteers
- Running the TraidCraft stall every Sunday
- Making soup for midweek Meeting for Worship
Working out how many different jobs you are are expecting your workers to juggle can help work out problems, find ways of ensuring that their time is being used appropriately and aren’t being asked to do too much.
By being mindful of the time a warden spends on jobs and the different roles in the job description, a Meeting can also create opportunities to bring in other people to help with the juggling if necessary.
Qf&P has a section on employment and ensuring they aren’t overloaded, which can be useful for management of volunteers too.
To browse through all of the posts click on the Quaker A-Z link here or in the side bar.
Do you have any more jobs to add to my list of things Wardens have been asked to do?