From Highly Stressed to Highly Skilled​

You might need one-to-one support or mentoring, or want to give a group of people access to our on demand courses and resources.

If you are interested in exploring how we can help create a individualised solution, or in-person training for you, contact us below.

On demand courses

As well as in-person training we have a growing range of online courses on our classroom site. You can quickly develop a toolbox of resources that will help you out of problems.

All modules are individual so you can choose your own training path. We might suggest you acquire a certain level of knowledge before starting certain modules, but as they are on demand you can always pause your study of the topic and return once you’ve completed the advised prerequisites.

The levels range from free to £200 depending on the amount of information and contact. You can combine this with ad hoc or ongoing personal training and support, plus we offer ‘office hours’ for students where you can create a network to share good practice and learn from each other.

The modules are labelled for their complexity:

First5 – gives a brief introduction, definition, or explanation in either five points or five minutes of video.

Thinking About – foundational level classes which ensure you have a broad range of information necessary to understand the subject, roles, or tasks. Often useful for role managers who need to understand what is involved but don’t need to know the minutia of the subject.

Next Steps – a chance to explore the subject, role, or tasks required in more depth, usually looking at a specific part of the wider subject.

Deepening Knowledge – exactly what is says, a chance to look at a specific subject in more depth. Often helps you develop the ability to identify problem areas and use your experience to make assessments of problems and possible risks, then develop solutions.

Your account can be created and reached through the link below, and accessed from that or the ‘classroom log in’ circle on the home page. The account is free, gives you access to all modules, and features an online notebook where you can capture ideas across all of your courses and the free resources.

Currently available

  • Free resources on a growing range of topics from a team of experienced professionals and volunteers.
  • Introduction to Quaker Structures for non-Quaker volunteers or employees.
  • DIY onboarding for role holders.
  • DIY onboarding for role managers.
  • Creating invoicing systems using the BYM cashbooks.

Our courses

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Photo by Sara on Unsplash

MBS Resource Library

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Volunteering Policy (NS)
